SILENTHAll electric for our future

Strategy, Branding, UI design, UX design, Programming
Case study
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Step aboard Silenth, the electric, low-entry city bus company operating out of Austria. Not only do they promote eco-friendly streets by switching from diesel/petrol busses to electric, but they also advocate for quiet streets and lower operating costs. Silenth is a brand powered by innovation, making urban transportation a smoother, greener, and more cost-effective ride

The story of Silenth

Silenth was a new company when they approached us and they were revved up to hit the market with a bang! Their prototype bus was almost ready to roll and they needed to make some noise. So, we decided to put the spotlight on one of the bus's best features - its silence. And, since we wanted to stand out from the crowd, we gave Silenth a sensational spelling - SILENTH. The branding was a no-brainer and it helped make this company one of a kind, easily recognizable and simply unforgettable!

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Modern, techy & light 
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One way of making electric car acceleration more quiet is by making the throttle signal sinusoidal, which was the initial idea that sparked the creation of the complimentary mark.

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Web experience

Silenth was a new company at the time they approached us and they needed to go to the market fast, since their prototype bus was nearly done manufacturing. To put the focus on one of the product's biggest benefits we've decided to brand with sensational spelling of silent - SILENTH. The decision was intuitive but it helps the company by making it more recognizable and unique.

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Silent & clean 
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 Empowering brands trough design & development
 Empowering brands trough design & development
 Empowering brands trough design & development
 Empowering brands trough design & development